1989 Toyota Camry 4 cyl Two Wheel Drive Automatic 183K miles
I did an engine rebuild - replacing piston rings, all new gaskets, re-cut valve seat, valve adjustments with shims. Put engine back. New spark plugs. #1 piston is in compression (0 mark line up). Tried to start the car and the engine keeps cranking and it won't crank over (engine won't start running). If I keep cranking at it, the ground strap wire connect between the cylinder head body and chasis would smoke up. I assume bad ground wire. Current is not flowing through to the chasis. Current got build up in wire causing heat up and smoke. Don't think this would cause the engine not to crank over.
what have I checked so far?
1. Compression test at #1 cylinder. Pressure needle on the pressure gauge starts to jump to 50 psi, 100psi, then 170 psi. Once I see this I stop. I belive this is good, so no futher comprssion check. Did not check the other cylinders.
2. Took out the all spark plugs and saw that center and ground electrodes are all black. It shows at least that the plugs are sparking. Just too rich in fuel base on the plugs coloration.
Any help in troubleshooting why the engine wont crank over would be much appreciated. Thank you for reading.
Friday, September 25th, 2009 AT 4:21 AM