Sunday, December 27th, 2009 AT 12:52 AM
My brakes have locked up, the VSC and ABS light are both lit up, I reeased the front brakeson the left hand side using the bleeder screw, the front brakes released, and when I went to try to drive forward they had locked upi again. Meanwhile, there is nothing there when I press the brake pedal. The rear brakes pads were replaced 2 days ago, and the front about a month ago. When I first noticed something differant, it was that the brake pedal travel was very short, and when I come to slow down for a stop the brake pedal seemed like a brick wall, and the brakes were not doing much at all, I let off the brake pedal and pressed it again, rock hard for a moment and then went to the floor, and from that point on, no pedal whatsoever. Could this be a sensor for the VSC, or ABS? Or could it be something differant?