Interestingly, the timing belt can be adjusted, but I don't know why it would squeal unless the tensioner is seizing. Here are the directions for adjustment. The attached pics correlate with the directions. If you do this or have it done and the timing belt is original, replace it.
2008 Kia Rio L4-1.6L
Vehicle Engine, Cooling and Exhaust Engine Timing Components Timing Belt Adjustments
1. Remove the engine cover(A).
Pic 1
2. Remove the RH front wheel.
3. Remove the bolts(B) and RH side cover(A).
Pic 2
4. Loosen the water pump pulley bolts.
Pic 3
5. Remove the alternator drive belt(A).
Pic 4
6. Remove the air conditioner compressor drive belt(B).
7. Remove the power steering pump drive belt(C).
8. Remove the water pump pulley.
9. Remove the 4 bolts(B) and timing belt upper cover (A).
Pic 5
10. Turn the crankshaft pulley, and align its groove with timing mark "T" of the timing belt cover. Check that the timing mark of camshaft sprocket(A) is aligned with the timing mark of cylinder head cover. (No.1 cylinder compression TDC position)
pic 6
pic 7
11. Remove the crankshaft pulley(A).
Pic 8
12. Remove the 4 bolts(B) and timing belt lower cover(A).
Pic 9
13. Move the tensioner pulley(C) in the direction of the arrow shown after loosen the mounting bolt (A, B).
And temporarily tighten mounting bolt (A, B).
Pic 10
14. Adjust the timing belt tension.
(1)After inspecting the timing belt, replace it if necessary.
(2)Loosen the tensioner pulley mounting bolt and apply tension to the timing belt.
Pic 11t
(3)After checking the alignment between each sprocket and each timing belt tooth, tighten the mounting bolt (A) and (B) one by one.
Tightening torque :
19.6 - 26.5N.M (2.0 - 2.7kgf.M, 14.5 - 19.5lb-ft)
(4)Then recheck the belt tension.
Verify that when the tensioner and the tension side of the timing belt are pushed in horizontally with a moderate force [approx. 49N (11lb)], the timing belt cog end is approx. 1/2 of the tensioner mounting bolt head radius (across flats) away from the bolt head center.
Pic 12
(5)Timing belt tension measuring procedure (by a sonic tension gauge)
Rotate crankshaft in clockwise direction to set 1st piston on top dead center (TDC) and rotate crankshaft in counterclockwise to 90° then measure the belt tension in the middle of tension side span (in arrow direction of above illustration) by free vibration method.
Avoid rotating the crankshaft in a counter clock wise direction.
Engine damage could occur.
Conversion equation of frequency into tension :
T = (4 / 9.8) x S2 x M x W x f2 / 100000000
S: Measured belt span (mm)
M: Unit weight of belt (kgf/cm2)
W: Belt width (mm)
f: Transverse natural frequency of belt (Hz)
Timing Belt Specifications
pic 13
15. Turn the crankshaft two turns in the operating direction (clockwise) and realign the crankshaft sprocket and camshaft sprocket timing mark.
16. Install the timing belt lower cover(A) with bolts(B).
Tightening torque :
7.8 - 9.8N.M (0.8 - 1.0kgf.M, 5.8 - 7.2lb-ft)
pic 14
17. Install the crankshaft pulley(A).
Tightening torque :
137.3 - 147.1N.M (14.0 - 15.0kgf.M, 101.3 - 108.5lb-ft)
pic 15
18. Install the timing belt upper cover(A) with bolts(B).
Tightening torque :
7.8 - 9.8N.M (0.8 - 1.0kgf.M, 5.8 - 7.2lb-ft)
pic 16
19. Install the water pump pulley.
20. Install the power steering pump drive belt(C).
Pic 17
21. Install the air conditioner compressor drive belt(B).
22. Install the alternator drive belt(A).
23. Install the RH side cover(A) with bolts(B)
pic 18
24. Install the RH front wheel.
Tightening torque :
88.3 - 107.9N.M (9 - 11kgf.M, 65.1 - 79.6lb-ft)
25. Install the engine cover(A) with bolts.
Tightening torque :
3.9 - 5.9N.M ( 0.4 - 0.6kgf.M, 2.9 - 4.3lb-ft)
pic 19
If possible, record the sound so I can hear it and send it to me.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021 AT 2:31 PM