It is odd that it started back up and shook but now will not start. This makes me think it is a fuel issue. When it shut off, was an instant or did it sputter?
Basically, you need three things to start an engine outside of security and sensor inputs that can prevent a start. You need compression, spark, and fuel. The fact that it just shut off, we can assume that the compression is ok. However, we may have to come back to this if nothing else turns up.
Next thing is to make sure you have spark when the engine is cranking. Easiest way is to remove a plug wire and hold it close to a bolt or nut and crank the engine. You should see it arc to the bolt which shows the PCM is sending spark.
Next is fuel. Even though you replaced the fuel pump, does not mean you have fuel getting to the combustion chambers. I would suggest just taking some starter fluid an spray a small amount in the throttle body then crank it. All you are looking for is if the engine tries to fire or fires for a short moment. This is simply ruling fuel out or proving it is a fuel issue.
Once we test spark and fuel, let me know the results and we can go from there. Thanks
Sunday, August 30th, 2020 AT 11:28 AM