The truck P0101 and P0102 codes most often is P0102 code but there have been others. This generally occurs after the truck has reached operating temperature.
It usually does not occur until a truck is at least 200°according to temp gauge in the dash.
When the code is generated, the truck immediately goes into limp mode which I can reset with my scanner, but the code will be regenerated almost immediately forcing it back in limp mode.
The TCM failed about two months ago and was replaced with one from dan's diesel service more details can be found about this online if needed.
That fixed all the TCM related errors. Now I am just left with this one.
The air filter is relatively new, less than five thousand miles on it. The MAF Sensor has been replaced and it has also been tested and meets all of the normal parameters for a normally good Sensor.
The five wires plug the goes to the sensor has been tested and all connection contacts have the appropriate voltages on them. The sensor indicates about 2.32 KHZ alerts at idle measured.
With the frequency meter I do not have a scope so I cannot tell you if waveform is a is exactly a square wave or not as per the Manufacturing Service Manuel.
There are no obvious air leaks anywhere that I can see or hear. Although I have not specifically tested for air leaks with any special tools.
The truck is basically stock with the exception of some MaxTow gauge Packs and Amsoil bypass oil filter system that I have installed. Which should not affect this.
This has me stumped any help would be greatly appreciated.
thank you
Friday, December 17th, 2021 AT 1:46 PM