Engine Mechanical problem
1998 Subaru Outback 4 cyl All Wheel Drive Automatic
Subaru dealer quoted me $300 to change leaking valve cover gaskets. I thought this was pretty steep. How much should it really cost? Thanks.
Sunday, October 12th, 2008 AT 4:20 PM
2 Replies
31,937 POSTS
Hi there,
Wow, well if that is the going price there I will move my work shop to your location, I would get a price from an independent mechanic, you can use after market gaskets with out any problem and they should take less than 1 Hr to replace as I am in Australia I am unsure of the actual prices but doing a quick conversion I would be saying they should be doing it foe a lot less.
Mark (mhpautos)
Was this
Sunday, October 12th, 2008 AT 5:51 PM
10,371 POSTS
Unless hes replacing the gasket with gold leafs hes overcharging you. Should not be that much. 1 hour labor max.
I would like to see what hes charging you and for what.