Shift selector assembly replacement

  • 3.1L
  • V6
  • 2WD
  • 185,000 MILES
Trusted local garage says that the shift selector needs to be replaced on my daughters car. The shift handle broke off under her use so the stick with a red plunger is how you can get it (painfully) in and out of gear. Shop says shifter broke because of excessive force needed to make defective selector work (makes sense to me). So I have ordered a new shift selector assembly and knob from GM. Part Number 22611473 Shifter $110.79.
22626540 Shift Knob $28.32.
Which is way cheaper than the shop part price and they want $220.00 to put it in.
How do I remove and install the shift selector and knob?

Thank you
Tuesday, August 29th, 2017 AT 10:25 AM

1 Reply

  • 13,657 POSTS
The knob will have a clip in the front of it that looks like a staple, it pulls out with a flat screwdriver or pick and the old handle pulls off. Keep the clip as most of the new handles do not come with one.

Now you need to remove both front seats or you might be able to remove the two bolts that go into the console from the sides if you use a wide flat bar to push the seat bolster out of the way to get to them. I have not pulled a Malibu console in a while.

Flip up the top of the console to get to screws there and in the rear compartment under the cup holder as well. Remove the console and the shifter will be there bolted to the floor. Remove the shift indicator housing, then unhook the connectors and the shift cable. The shifter should now lift up and out. Transfer over the various pieces that the replacement did not come with. Then reverse the process to reinstall it. Leave the knob for last.

One thing you will want to check before you remove the old shifter. Disconnect the shift cable at both ends and make sure it isn't the part that is binding. You do not want to go through all that and discover it's actually the cable. (They get moisture inside and can corrode).
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Wednesday, August 30th, 2017 AT 1:43 AM

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