I purchased these struts:
It has only been in the last week that I was able to get everything finished including problems with the slave clutch (had to buy a new one).
Taking the car out for a spin at the end of last week there was a whining noise coming from the front. I thought it may be a shot clutch (clutch fluid ruining the clutch). That was ruled out and attention went to the wheel bearings.
Well, when trying to re-align the wheels yesterday and today, thinking that the alignment was way off since the suspension had been changed, I noticed that the left (driver) side strut was wearing away the inner corner of my brand new tire (less than 100 miles).
To back up a little.
My car can take two sizes:
The second size is the one that is extremely rare and which is now no longer produced by anyone! These are the tires that I fitted to my car to replace the crappy ones that my car came with when I purchased it (rear 270/35R15!! - yes truck tires - and worn 205/60R15 on the front). But I sourced these from the UK and Germany and snapped up most of the NOS in Europe (apart from 1 set that I couldn't figure out how to get) and got 5 (one for the spare wheel).
The smaller size tires are 8.07 inches wide. The larger ones are 8.85 inches wide. That's just over 0.75 inches wider.
The inner corner of the tire is rubbing up against the area of the strut that the end of the strut spring sits in - the cup for the end. At the moment I am too bummed out to take a picture but will do so in the next day or so.
The weird thing is that the right (passenger) wheel has no problems with the wheel hitting the strut.
The original struts that I changed out for new after-market ones had no issues with clearance. I am not sure how to compare the old and the new as one is inside a wheel well and the other is sitting in a bin waiting for me to take to the local recycling facility.
My question is how do I deal with this without changing out the struts for far more expensive BMW ones (originals). Can I put a 0.75 inch wheel spacer on the hub for both front wheels? That would make the wheels protrude out slightly beyond the fender arches I think, but would solve the problem temporarily. If not protruding, it would make the car look slightly odd.
I have seen customized BMW E36s on you tube but I am not sure if any of them had spacers on the front wheels like I am thinking of doing.
Any thoughts?
One other thing I could do is change the front tires back to brand new smaller sized ones, but am reluctant to do that and I would still be left with the knowledge that the struts will need to be changed at some point. Also, there is no guarantee that narrower tires will actually be okay with these struts.
Friday, July 12th, 2019 AT 3:40 PM