When that light comes on I cannot drive it, it keeps running but you give it gas you can press on pedal, but still cannot go anywhere.
Sunday, August 14th, 2016 AT 9:26 AM
2 Replies
30,869 POSTS
You have to start by getting the codes out of the computer I need the exact code numbers not code descriptions? I know you cannot drive it, but there is no way around it, that is our starting point. Sounds like a bad throttle body and throttle body harness connector. But wont know for sure until I know the codes. You can buy a cheap pocket code reader to get the codes.
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Sunday, August 14th, 2016 AT 9:34 AM
1,260 POSTS
Hi Tina,
If you decide you would like to conduct the scan yourself here is a link to an article that features written step by step instructions and pictures explaining how to do the scan yourself, also I have included a link to our YouTube channel with a how to video on code scanning. Most scanners are inexpensive to purchase, you can purchase one online from sites like Amazon.com