The voltage on pin 86 may not be an issue if the transmission is engaging because I suspect you are not checking it the way we need to in order to prove it is working.
Pin 86 should be the ground to the TCM so that the TCM can control the relay on and off.
It does this by grounding this circuit which completes the circuit and closes the relay.
So, to check this we need to move your red lead of the meter to battery positive and then put the negative lead on pin 86. Then turn the engine on and the TCM should ground the circuit and that will show that this is operating.
However, the issue with the code is most likely a wiring issue or the TCM is not operating.
The U0101 code is telling us that the TCM has a communication error.
This is normally a wiring issue or the TCM itself has failed.
I am attaching the info below on this code but here is a guide that talks about this communication network.
As you will see we have an issue either with the wiring harness B or the TCM.
The way to read this is to look at the last chart as this code should be in the PCM. It is saying that the TCM is the only one with a fault and the location would be harness B or the TCM.
Since this is the only code, I am going to think the TCM is the issue.
Let's run through this and go from there.
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Saturday, June 11th, 2022 AT 10:03 AM