I was driving the above car in the city when the engoine hot light came on. I stopped and after a while open the radiator and put water into it. The temp light went off and the temp dropped back to normal. @ Days later the same thing happen again. I had the car towed to the Porsche dealler and they checked the raditator and said it was fine but they found air in the system. The car was due for a major serv so I had them do it. After I picked it up I was driving home and the "check engine light" came on. I took it back and they only found again some air in the system. I was driving the car home today and all was fine untill I stopped at a red light and the engine idlle dropped to 4000-5000 rpm making it seem like the car was going to stalll but did not and slowly settled at a normal idle of 8000 RPMs. I am only having this problem when the A/C is being used, when the A/C is off no problem the car runs fine. The car has had the air flow sensor checked and it was OK. I am now awaitng another appointment at the Porsche dealer.
Thursday, July 29th, 2010 AT 5:19 AM