1999 Pontiac Grand Prix 6 cyl Wheel Drive Type unknown Automatic 130000 miles
I have been taking my car back and forth to the mechanic getting my car inspected for two months now. Each time my car fails the emission test: catalyst, EGR valve and the E Vap. The mechanic keeps telling me that it's because I recently changed my battery and that I just have to continue to put miles on it and eventually the computer will readjust. I've been having it checked every week and it still has not passed emissions. The mechanic is telling me there is really nothing I can do and I just have to keep driving it and the problem will fix itself. Is there another solution? I do not want to get a ticket for not having my car inspected, eventhough I have been trying every week. Is it possible to get one if not all problems fixed? How much would it cost ball park figure? Please advise. Thank you!
Monday, March 3rd, 2008 AT 2:57 PM