Hi again.
Yes. That is on the list of potentials. The nice part about individual coils is if one goes bad, that's the 'only' one that would need to be replaced. And apologies! I said "coil wire" from force of habit, and you don't have any. Doesn't sound like I led you astray though.
I would do just the ignition plug. If that fixes it, then you are done. But, that is an indicator that a complete tune-up is on the close horizon. If it doesn't, then switch coil 5 with another cylinder and see if the miss moves to that cylinder, or it stays at 5 (mark/label the ones you moved, and you will need to clear codes first to erase old codes).
If it moves, then the coil likely is bad. If it doesn't, then there is something else going on -- mechanical, fuel, or electrical to the coil for cylinder 5.
Start simple, cheap, and easiest. Move on from there if needed. Even with all the computer controls these days, most problems are still basic automotive issues as they were 40 years ago.
Keep me updated. Glenn
Tuesday, December 1st, 2020 AT 1:50 PM