My question is regarding Replacement of a Secondary Air System Check Valve and Gasket
Part: GM #12619111 AC/Delco #214-2301 Secondary AIR System Check Valve
AC/Delco 219-600 Secondary Air Injection Pump Check Valve Gasket
After removal of gasket - Factory Manual "Clean the AIR to exhaust manifold gasket sealing surfaces"
How should it be cleaned? Wire brush?
Should the old gasket be used or a new one?
(In post above, old gasket reused.)
Exhaust seal epoxy:
When seating the gasket - "thin bead of exhaust seal epoxy on the gasket"
Should some type of exhaust seal epoxy be used?
If yes, what type should be used?
GM Sealant from Cadillac dealer parts?
Over the counter, there are so many brands and types.
While researching on the internet I ran across a YouTube video specifying that it important to use the right type suggesting damage if wrong type used.
Should the gasket be re-seated with a "thin bead of exhaust seal epoxy on the gasket"?
Any other suggestions are also welcome.
Thanks in Advance!
Saturday, October 29th, 2022 AT 5:54 PM