Code P0128, possibly related to over filling Freon, or no?

  • 2014 GMC SIERRA
  • 5.3L
  • V8
  • 4WD
  • 108,000 MILES
The A/C was blowing hot. Condenser pulley engaged. Added 32oz can of Freon to low side. The needle on gauge was dropping as I was adding it. Would go from low to good then back to low. Added whole can. Seemed to sit in the green steady after that. Blew cold for couple minutes. Then turned truck off. A week later I needed A/C. No A/C. But. Thought maybe I did something wrong and overfilled freon. No signs of freon leakage under truck on pavement. Fast forward to mid road trip today another week later. Used heater. Shortly after the fan was stuck on high. Don't think it was related to using the heater. But maybe? Engine temperature not reading on gauge. Threw code 0128. From my knowledge that means coolant pressure sensor or thermostat needs to be replaced. What I'm wondering is did I add too much Freon? Can freon overcharge result in failed thermostat or is it a separate system that doesn't affect each other?
Wednesday, June 14th, 2023 AT 8:58 PM

1 Reply

  • 110,055 POSTS

The code is related to the coolant temperature sensor, but the sensor isn't the issue. The problem is the engine is not heating up fast enough. My first suspect is a faulty thermostat that is stuck open.

Now, the A/C is a different issue. You won't see anything under the vehicle if there is a leak because it escapes as a gas. Have you rechecked the system to see if it needs to be charged?

Let me know. Also, here are two links you may find of interest and/or helpful:

Let me know.

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Thursday, June 15th, 2023 AT 11:42 PM

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