note--this all started when the check engine lite came on.I had it put on a engine analizer, and needed a new throttle position sensor, no other codes were shown, replaced it. The lite went out but it wouldnt run right. He said he had no idea what was wrong with it, and he couldnt fix it.
I took it to another mechanic which installed another throttle body and and tps. That when it started acting as I stated at the beginning of this post
IM sorry I dont have any mony to donate. Im 74 yrs old, retired, and at the moment finances are very bad, as IM sure you can see. Any info would be greatly appreciated, God bless and thank you:charlie
I took it to another mechanic, he said he put it on the anylizer and it showed no codes.
Tuesday, August 31st, 2010 AT 2:30 PM