Saturday, January 31st, 2009 AT 1:37 PM
Help! We have tryed most everything. My son bought his first car from a 90 year old woman that has owned this car since it was new, it has been garaged for most of it's life, and in very good condition, however we have been having a problem with it stalling when it gets to a stop. It doesnt stall in neutral and idles fine unless in drive, it seems to be a problem with too much fuel when the rpms drop. It just chokes and dies, but it fires right up again. We have had it in the shop five times and still the problem exists we have changes the spark plugs and wires, the ignition coil, the fuel filter, checked the fuses checked the torch convertor, vaccumm lines, air filter, frankly Im at a loss, I have suggested the fuel pump but the mechanics dont think so. Maybe a oxygen fuel ratio. Is that possible. Are these cars prone to something like this, any suggestions