Your Air pump will have absolutely no effect on the drivability of your car. However, you will fail an emissions test.
Whoever you have replacing your air pumps is NOT a competent mechanic.
There is something called a "Technical Service Bulletin" that manufactures occasionally issue for their vehicles.
There was a T.S.B. Issued for all air pumps for 2001-2003 Auroras.
What happens is the location of your air pump allows water to collect inside one of the valves. This completely ruins the pump. The T.S.B. Calls for a special part that is placed over a port on the air pump that keeps the water out.
Any mechanic worth his weight, would've looked up any T.S.B.'S for your vehicle before performing any repairs. If he had done this, you wouldn't have had to replace the same part 3-times.
The part is only a few dollars, but unfortunately, you'll need a new pump also. But you won't have to worry about it failing again.
Tuesday, December 29th, 2009 AT 11:38 AM