You more than likely have mold on the evaporator. I would suggest removing the blower motor and looking up in the box with a mirror and light to see if you can see anything. A lot of times if you have a water leak it will get dirt, debris and water in the housing as well and that will end up smelling.
Basically just remove the blower motor and make sure the box is clean and dry. If it is, I would use a bleach or some sort of cleaner that will kill mold. Then put everything back together and turn the blower fan on high and spray the same cleaner into the fresh air inlet. This will pull it through the system and coat the evaporator. Last thing, is to remove the cowl panel where the fresh air inlet is, and make sure it is not full of leaves and debris.
Let me know what you find and we can go from there. Thanks
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Friday, April 30th, 2021 AT 3:27 PM