Wednesday, June 7th, 2017 AT 5:25 AM
This car has been giving me problems. It has gave several obd codes; p0032, p0038, p0052, and p0058 are the ones given mostly. It has also gave codes p0300, p201-p206 injector codes all six, p2096. I cannot remember any others right off seems like they were a couple more. I figured it was an electrical problem so I cleaned what grounds I could find before I had a FSM. Now that I have a FSM I am going to check the wiring for the O2 sensors. The car would run fine and shut off and not start back then I could remove the negative battery terminal and put it right back on and it would do fine. Well after the first episode it ran fine for a month. Then it done it again. Now it has gotten to where it is doing it more often. Any help would greatly be appreciated.