Codes P0122, P0222, P0108 and P0133

  • 2005 ACURA TL
  • 3.2L
  • V6
  • 2WD
  • 260,000 MILES
The car started and was moved 25 ft. Left idling while washing exterior. When it was being moved back to parking location there is no response at all with gas pedal. It only idles it has these locked P0122, P0222 P0108 and P0133 codes showing. Car will start and idle but then next time started it will miss (like it is out of timing). The next time it will idle but still no response when pressing on the gas pedal. Codes will not clear.

Side note the full supple line fitting at this time was found to be leaking and was replaced no leaks are present and fuel pressure is normal.
Tuesday, November 12th, 2019 AT 9:09 AM

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  • 18,907 POSTS
I listed the codes here so we can start to formulate possible causes.

P0108 - MAP sensor Circuit High
P0122 - TP Sensor A Circuit Low
P0133 - Rear A/F Sensor Bank 1 Sensor 1 Slow Response
P0222 - TP Sensor B Circuit Low

I suspect that each of these is related so I would start with one of the two throttle position sensor codes (P0122 or P0222). Two reasons why, first these are the most "serious" codes because they will directly effect the drivability of the vehicle. Second we know the issue is present because the throttle doesn't respond and these two codes are the reason why.

So I suspect if you find and correct the issue for these two then you will fix the others as well.

Let me know if you have questions. Thanks
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Wednesday, November 13th, 2019 AT 4:23 AM

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