The gas gauge stopped working a few months ago. We didn’t have the money at the time and found a work around by monitoring mileage.
A month and a half after the gauge stopped working, the battery drained and was replaced. Plugged in a new battery and gas gauge started working briefly. Then dropped to E and didn’t move.
About 2 months later sitting at a light the idle got a little rough and gradually increased but never stalled. Right before I would expect it to stall the Traction Control switched off and the idle smoothed out. I was able to drive it home, but it would hesitate and when pushing the gas at nothing would happen. Then it would accelerate as normal.
The rough idle is not consistent, it can happen shortly after the car is started or 15 minutes after it’s been running. The vehicle is drivable. (We are not driving it in fear of making the issue worse)
These are the codes we got:
Actions taken:
Changed out fuel pump in tank module-same issue persists.
Changed out gas cap-same issue persists.
Changed out ignition coils and spark plugs- same issue persists.
Took out fuel injectors, cleaned and replaced- same issue persists.
Replace fuses for the ECM/FPM IGN and FPM- gas gauge worked briefly then stopped same issue persists.
We need ideas of what we could be missing.
Friday, April 22nd, 2022 AT 12:22 PM