I would have someone hook up a scanner to your car to see if there is a current code stored. This may point you in the right direction. I assume it's a rs? Nonturbo? 2.0 liter? The ideal thing to do would be to maybe carry around with you a spark tester, fuel pressure guage, noid light or a suitable tool to check injector pulse. At the time where there is a "NO START" condition would be the best time to narrow the problem down. Sometimes there is only a short window of time to trouble shoot it. & Of course it could go back to starting right up & running just fine. For a while. If you don't have access to a scanner you can turn the key back & forth three times, endind in on & count the check engine light flashes. To retreive the codes if any. A scanner from an autozoner red shirter is easier, & free too.
Monday, September 7th, 2009 AT 1:08 AM