It sounds like the engine might have a possible issue with valve clearances, possibly tight.
The engine is a 3.0 V6 Essex
A good video:
Valve Clearances - Adjust
To check valve clearances, turn the crankshaft until the valves in the first column are fully open, when the valves shown in the second column may be checked and adjusted as required:
Valves Open Valves to Adjust
1 and 6 10 Ex and 7 In
8 and 11 5 Ex and 4 In
2 and 3 9 In and 12 Ex
7 and 10 6 In and 1 Ex
4 and 5 11 In and 8 Ex
9 and 12 2 In and 3 Ex
To adjust the valve clearance, turn the rocker arm retaining nut in either a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction until the correct clearance has been obtained. Rock the arm to ensure correct seating and recheck the clearance.
Valve clearances are:
V6 Inlet 0.013 in. (0.33 mm.), Exhaust 0.022 in. (0.55 mm.) for Hot engines.
Hope this helps.
Cheers, Boris
Monday, September 12th, 2022 AT 8:05 AM