Hi, I have a 93 Mercury Tracer, Mileage 110,000 automatic transmission. It run fine but when engine is idle and gear is in park position. RPM nedle would keep moving up and down between 1000 and 2000 RPM. Engine would sound like someone is pushing gas paddle down and release, down and release for few times. Then engine would stop, engine/battery check lights would turn on but when I turn ignition key, engine would start immediately. If I leave it in Park gear, same cycle would repeat. I have to immediately change the gear and move the car to prevent engine stopping.
I have noted that engine doesn't stop if I put my foot down on gas paddle little bit. Problem happens only when gear is in Park positon.
Second problem is sometimes engine would not start unless I change gear to nuteral position.
Your help would be highly appreciated.
Wednesday, June 6th, 2007 AT 9:49 AM