I am having an issue with my new to me 2008 mercury mariner. The previous owner sold me the vehicle after it was inspected by ford and found it to need new front calipers, rotors, pads, lines, and a right front speed sensor.
The right front caliper was frozen, and the ABS and TC lights were on with a code that signified a bad speed sensor.
I brought the vehicle to a local shop. They replaced all of these parts and cleared the codes. The vehicle had much better braking action, and the brake pedal wasn't totally firm but seemed reasonable for a 15-year-old SUV.
Everything was going fine and then a few days later it snowed, and I went to brake at a stop sign. The ABS kicked in for the first time and I completely lost my brakes and the pedal fell to the floor.
I could get pressure and brakes by pumping, so I limped it back to the shop and called them the next day.
They brought the vehicle in and checked it out. They told me the old master cylinder failed and wanted to put a new one in.
The next day after getting the car back I noticed the brakes felt fairly soft when first applying the pedal. Maybe the best way to visualize it is like the first 70% of pedal travel I don't feel much of anything, then the last 30% of brake pedal you have firm functional brakes. I don't think it is normal for the pedal to travel to nearly the floor before you feel good brake bite. Additionally, the ABS is functioning too. I asked them about this, and they claim that the new master could be faulty and or I just need to drive it for a bit to "let things settle". They claim they bleed everything multiple times including the ABS 4 times.
I guess I'm just feeling a bit defeated because I paid $650 to be told that I need to let the brakes settle which sounds like BS.
Thanks for your input.
Friday, March 10th, 2023 AT 3:38 PM