No, I didn't have to extend the MAF sensor. I think I'm going to check if I tightened it enough. I'm pretty sure I hooked up everything really good. Oh, also. My car runs fine until it gets time to fill my car up with gas so I fill it up and right after I fill the car up with gas and try to turn it on at the gas station it starts to sputter again and then it dies. So, I have to turn on the car and pump the accelerator and then hurry and put it in drive. After the car is driving for about a minute then it's fine again. It's just weird that when I put a new full tank of gas in it sputters. Do you think it has anything to do with the air/fuel ratio? And, how could I fix that? Thanks! :)
Saturday, September 29th, 2007 AT 2:51 AM