2 weeks ago.
I had to go to Mobile for business but could not drive due to legal implications so I had someone drive this car for me.
First problem: The driver wasn't familiar with the clutch in the car and dropped it pretty hard several times.
Second problem: He hit a rock (big enough) sitting in the middle of the road (unavoidable) and the car sits low to the ground so it scraped it.
I stopped to look under the car and the only thing I could see was a scratch running the underside of the car.
We didn't have (or notice) any problems until we got to Mobile when we heard the car making a strange noise. We shut off the A/C and the louder noise disappeared only to reveal a more disturbing sound.
Sounds of grinding and scraping could be heard from under the car. It doesn't sound like it comes from under the hood but more or less from just under the dash!
The car doesn't drive bad at all once it's in gear and on the road but it does take off rough from first and second gear if I don't give it just a little more gas than it typically requires for a smooth shift.
When in neutral the car makes the strange grinding noise (I think it's transmission).
When the clutch is depressed it does not make any noises and sounds just as it did before the incident.
If anyone could shed some light on this I would be greatly appreciative.
Also, if it needs to be looked at, could someone recommend a good, HONEST mechanic in south Mississippi?
Tuesday, September 28th, 2010 AT 12:56 PM