But while I was connecting new hose coupler(attached photo)between two cooling hoses(in order to build a
shape of hose that I didn't find in the stores)i was creating some rubber particles in the hoses(that was made from the pushing action of the hose coupler into the hoses).
I forgot to wash the final-made hose and I connected it back to the car(between the expansion tank and the metal flange tube, but while I added fresh anti freeze I saw
some rubber particles in the expansion tank(that were washed from the hose and now they are flowing in the cooling system. After some miles of driving the particles slowly disappearing but they are, still, flowing in the system.
My question:May these rubber particles in the cooling system be a problem?
The coolant is new and all the system was clean. There are only those rubber particles that made by me, since I
forgot to wash the inside of the hose before connecting them back.
And I really would like to avoid making flush to the system just because of that(as I mentioned, the coolant was new and clear before)if it may not be an issue.
BTW, one of the hose that is connected to the hose couple is new and the other is old.
So, I guess that most of the particles was made from the old hose.
Thanks in advance.
Friday, August 28th, 2015 AT 5:29 AM