First I just changed all spark plugs with some Bosch platinum plugs with no difference how it ran and no fix to the light. I bought a code reader, determined my engine check light was from a cylinder misfire #2. I replaced the ignition coil and the code remained for cylinder #2. I moved the new coil to cylinder #3 and the code moved to cylinder #3. I moved the new coil again to cylinder #1
and the code moved to cylinder #1. Bad new coil I thought so I returned it, put the original coil into cyl #1 and of course still the same code, misfire cyl #1. I finally got a new coil after a few weeks. Battery (the original) has gone flat so I jumped to start. Charged it for 30 min. Replaced the old coil in cyl #1 and still I have the misfire code. You can feel it is running rough at lower rpms especially.
During all of this time I didn't drive the car but to test it out when I put the new coils in.
After a couple of weeks the new coil arrived. This time I swaped the new coil to cyl #2 but the code remained on cyl #1. Maybe some deposits on the spark plug so lets try to burn them off with a quick mile drive. Resetting the code reader several times still showed the same code. Towards the end of the drive I wound it up to 5000 rpms for a block. This resulted in a huge loss of power and 2 new error codes. Multiple cylinder misfire and cyl #1 and #4 misfire.
What controls the coils?
Now it won't run at all. I can't even get out of the driveway. I've tried switching coils to move the problem, Put in a new battery but reving the engine has just flooded it or bogged it. It stalls out with my foot off the gas and it stalls out when I try to rev it. It only shows 1150 rpm max. No new codes at least.
Could I have damaged the harness, the condenser, can I check these?
Sunday, September 27th, 2009 AT 11:11 PM