2007 Kia Optima New car questions

  • 2007 KIA OPTIMA
Suspension problem
2007 Kia Optima 4 cyl 2800 miles

I purchased my car a few months ago and now I beginning to be concerned. First, the car suspension (I think) sqeaks when I get in and out of the car. It has improved over the pass months but could this be a major issue? My first oil change is coming up, what questions should I ask?

Secondly, I'm noticing in direct sunlight I can see tiny little bubbles in the windows. In sunlight it is cloudy and distracts my vison but otherwise it is clear. What is that and questions should I ask?

This is not my first car so I'm not that green.

Thursday, September 4th, 2008 AT 12:22 PM

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  • 110,053 POSTS
First, if there is a noise, chances are it is sway bar bushings or other bushings. Regardless, the car is new and it will be covered 100% by the manufacturer. As far as the windshield, I've never seen such a thing. I would return to the dealer for them to check that. The windshield is has a layer of plastic between two sheets of glass to prevent small particles of glass from hitting the passangers in the event of an accident. It may have a defective windshield and need replaced.
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Saturday, July 11th, 2009 AT 10:33 PM

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