Did you clean the signal wheel on crankshaft pulley?
Reference Number(s): FUEL 010, Date of Issue: September 01, 2005
Related Ref Number(s): FUEL 010
This bulletin provides information relating to throttle body and plate cleaning on all Kia models. Residue from fuel additives and/or carbon deposits that result from normal fuel combustion can accumulate on the throttle body and/or upper combustion chamber over time. Dirty throttle bodies can cause a variety of vehicle drivability concerns and may result in MIL illumination under certain circumstances.
When the engine is started, the incoming air sometimes carries residue back to the throttle body and deposits it just behind the throttle plate because of the sudden drop in air pressure behind the plate.
When the engine is running, crankcase vapors enter through the PCV system and work their way into the intake system. These vapors carry with them residue which accumulates on the idle passages and throttle plate. This build-up eventually blocks the air gap between the throttle plate and throttle body bore, causing less airflow while the throttle plate is closed. Over time, the computer compensates for the reduced airflow with fuel trim adaptive logic adjustments, as it becomes more difficult for the computer to control the idle, especially when coming to a stop or when the throttle is "snapped". Do NOT replace the throttle body before the throttle plates are cleaned for any condition related to fuel trim values.
Fig. 1: Identifying Throttle Plate Cleaner
Remove the intake duct hose that is connected to the throttle body.
WARNING:Make sure the application straw is securely attached to the throttle plate cleaner nozzle. Failure to do so may result in a straw that has come off and is now stuck in the intake manifold assembly.
Fig. 2: Throttle Body
Using throttle plate or equivalent cleaner, open the throttle to the Wide-Open-Throttle (WOT) position. Clean out the throttle body bore and throttle plate using a small soft metallic (brass) or stiff bristled brush as necessary.
Fig. 3: Cleaning Throttle Body Bore
After the cleaning is complete, reinstall air intake duct hose. Be sure all throttle cables are routed correctly then, start the engine. The engine will run rough until all the throttle plate cleaner is burned off from the internal vacuum circuits. Shut engine off.
Remove the ECM memory fuse for 10 seconds and then re-install. This will reset the fuel trim adaptive values. Not all models use the scan tool to clear the adaptive fuel trim values.
NOTE:Removing the ECU memory fuse will not affect the loss of voltage to other control modules requiring the windows to be initialized, ETS, sunroof, overhead displays, radio station presets.
ECM Memory fuses are as follows:
Model/MYECM Memory Fuses
2001 2005 Rio10 Amp Underhood ECU Fuse
1998 2004 Sephia/Spectra (1.8L Engine)10 Amp Underhood ECU 2 Fuse
2004 2005 Spectra (2.0L Engine)30 Amp Underhood ECU 2 Fuse
2001 05 Optima10 Amp Underhood ECU Fuse
2004 05 Amanti10 Amp Underhood ECU Fuse
2002 05 Sedona10 Amp Underhood Powertrain Fuse
2003 05 Sorento10 Amp Underhood Powertrain Fuse
2005 Sportage30 Amp Underhood ECM Fuse
Road test the vehicle approximately 2-3 miles before returning the vehicle to the customer.
Thursday, April 22nd, 2010 AT 3:07 AM