I appreciate this website and free advise. I have the vehicle listed above S model. I have had the problem of a very jarring ride for the past year. It has always felt that going over small bumps etc on the road, the car transfers all the energy to the chassis and there is no damping. I have recently changed the following:
Struts, links, sway bar bushings, upper shock mounts, upper and lower control arms
Same components (one control arm)
Alignment done after that as well.
The car seemed better for a few days and now seems back to square one. The car rides like I am driving a golf cart. Every bump jerks the whole car and there is no damping at all.
I am wondering if you might have experienced something like this in the past and have some tips on how I can save my car from trade-in.
Thanks so much.
Friday, November 29th, 2019 AT 11:15 AM