1993 Jeep Wrangler Deep knocking/clunks

  • 4 CYL
  • 4WD
  • 95,000 MILES
Under 2k rpm have thunking/clunking sound from not sure but think transmission bell housing or lower engine. Just started one day on home from work idled to stop sign and thought I heard it but increase rpm to 2k went away. Usually starts as soon as I start the jeep, but not always. Fluid levels check good. There is a slight motor oil leak from the rear seal posibily since slight oil drips from under transmission and bell housing has oil film covering.
There has always been a slight valve/tappit noise from the engine. This however seems to be coming from deeper down or transmission area. With it idling and making the noise walking around the jeep the noise appears to sound louder standing behind the vehilcle. Some times shuting off the ignition there is a run on, I know it could use an engine tune up, Plugs, wires, rotor, air filter.
Right now the jeep is running like nothing is wrong just this noise.
Sunday, May 4th, 2008 AT 10:04 AM

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  • 348 POSTS
First let your tank run close to empty. (Dont run it empty becuase it is hard on the the fuel pump) Put in maybe 5 gallons of 92 Octane fuel and see what happens. Also check the piezo element in the knock sensor. The sensor is located on the intake manifold. It will look almost identical to the intake temperature sensor. Probably not much you can do with it if it is not obviously broken in some way, so just replace it. Make sure your injectors are clean? Is Fuel filter clean?
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Monday, May 5th, 2008 AT 11:10 PM

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