See my profile and other CJ5 and CJ7 Forum answers I have given.
I am sorta an authority on CJs!
I have owned 7 CJ5s and 1 '46 Willys Jeep
These have been my primary drivers since 1981, when I got my drivers license! I have owned a few cars, but they were driven by the Evil Females I was with!
I'd say 1985 was the last time one of mine was in the shop, that was for body repair (He// Damage) I do it all, NOW, except my Wheel Alignments!
The only time I see the Brake light come on, is with the Emergency Brake, even slightly depressed, the switch is visible on the E-Brake assembly.
That is the only function for the light......I do not think it senses other brake issues. (I have never seen it anyway)
(I am mistaken, I just researched this on my buddies '83, there is another switch, kinda dark out to search right now, But.........His light, RIGHT NOW, functions, as my '77 and others in the past) It does not come on except when the E-brake is depressed or like you said, a low fluid issue in '82 -'86 models (which he never sees, never low on juice!!!) .................BUT Still No light at start-up!.....Just confirmed this with his key!
I can answer almost all of your CJ questions. (See I did say almost).
Your question is one of those rare deals, that I never deal with much. In fact now that 2 of us have gone over the schematic, your guy could be right
However, with our "real world" testing (just for you!) of the 2 wires that come from the brake failure switch.....only one, will activate the light (when grounded), the other has no kind of reading, no matter what position the Key is turned to (no continuety to ground NOR any voltage)
So "our conclusions" are : either the brake failure switch (to the ignition switch) is inoperable, the ignition switch part of the system is inoperable (we replaced mine about 8 years go and neighbors, 2 years ago), or there just isn't a light, while cranking up.
Your Turn,
The Medic

Thursday, September 23rd, 2010 AT 7:39 PM