Knock after Oil change?

Jeep Cherokee Sport, 2000, 120K miles, 4.0 liter engine.

Jeep had been sitting in my driveway or a few months becasue I bought a new Grand Cherokee. Changed oil today and turned the car on (when it was on ramps) was fine. Took off ramps and started to hesitate, then knock quite bad? Let it run for about a min but I shut it off for fear that it would just shut down on its own?

Put some oil additive in it, think it was Slick 50?

Oil Weight: 10W-30, 5 quarts + 1 quart of Slick 50 additive?

possible Gasket problem from sitting?
Tuesday, July 17th, 2007 AT 8:33 PM

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  • 136 POSTS
The 4.0 liter oil pump is netorious for losing it's prime. If you have an oil pressure guage in the dash, check that it reads right about in the middle less than 10 seconds after starting. If not, the pump has probably lost it's prime.
If the oil pressure is fine, I'm suspecting that you have either gotten some water in your gasoline tank, it went stale (add a bottle of STP or similar and see 5 gallons of gas and see what happens), or their is an electrical problem that needs attending to. After sitting several months, you should do a COMPLETE tume up. Wires, plugs, cap, and rotor. On the 4.0 it's a relatively inexpensive job, but may solve your problem.
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Wednesday, July 18th, 2007 AT 10:32 PM

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