1996 Jeep Cherokee 6 cyl Two Wheel Drive Automatic 136k miles
I just bought this 1996 Jeep cherokee sport two weeks ago. I loved it and it handled so well until yesterday my husband and I were driving to look at houses and all the sudden we heard this hissing noise and the power steering went out and the engine heat sensor skyrocketed. We pulled over and it was steaming really bad. It wasn't leaking anything at the time we pulled over and it's not leaking anything now. We had to run it hot for about 4 miles until we got to a pilot truck stop and then had it towed to our friend's house. It starts up and my husband was looking at the engine. It seems all the pulleys and the tensioner are fine. We don't know if it blew a gasket or not. I was always told that the 4.0 inline 6 was the toughest and strongest engine in Jeeps so I hope it didn't go that far. If it is only the belt and water pump is it worth fixing? And how much would it cost? I just spent over two grand buying the thing and I can't afford a huge mechanic bill :-/ My husband works six days a week is there anyone who can maybe walk me through changing the water pump myself as he doesn't even have time to take the panel off the inside of the drivers side passenger door and push the window back up that is off track. I need this either fixed or gone because I need a working vehicle, If I can fix it myself I'd like to but if you all think that Jeeps aren't really the best vehicle I'd like to know then maybe I can take it in as a trade in before I have any other major problems and get something else.
Sunday, February 8th, 2009 AT 12:11 PM