See my profile, I will give you as many possibilities as I can think of :
Tires out of balance
Slime or other sealant in tire
Bigas$ glob of mud, dried or wet, on the inside of your rim---see 1st possibility
Belt broke in tire---maybe "Goose Egg Hernia" on a tire
Flat "spotted" tires
Tires are not all same size
Out of Alignment
Steering linkages/joints worn or Dangerously about to fall apart ! ! !
Worn out "U" Joints
Worn out wheel bearings
Loose LUG NUTS ! ! !
Uneven load distribution in vehicle
Engaged in 4X4 on hard surface
Engine/ transmission mounts
Engine skipping
I'm just a CJ GUY, I do not know specifics about your rig.
A manual might cover other stuff I missed.
Alot of stuff to check, Start with the really dangerous stuff 1st, alot of this is EZ checks.
Please let me know what you find, I will TRY to help, or maybe others here can too.
Love, Turddog
Thursday, April 1st, 2010 AT 1:04 AM