Checking Differential Fluid Levels - The differential system of a vehicle is something that sounds foreign to many, yet is one of the most important parts of a vehicle. Without a differential system, a vehicle is unable to handle properly when traveling around corners, curves or turning at all. All vehicles except for motorcycles must include a differential system. The primary purpose of the differential system is to evenly distribute force to one wheel or the other depending on the drag. Both wheels will have the same force when the drag is equal. When a vehicle is in a corner the outside wheels travel further than the inside wheels, creating a problem. If the all four wheels are forced to travel the same distance the vehicle will jump and skid, the differential corrects this problem. The differential uses fluid that is heavier weight (thicker) to help handle the extreme load differentials handle. To check the fluid level in the differential you must remove the oil fill/level inductor plug located on the differential. In most cases a lift is required to access the plug.
Monday, March 1st, 2010 AT 11:46 PM