About two weeks ago, my Genesis after getting revved to about 5000 higher than i normally do as i was accelerating off a merge, started making a light clicking sound , https://youtu.be/zophp-I-myw like a card between bike spokes. Kept driving it as i thought it was a bad gasket (no big deal was going to replace it ASAP) the sound got a lot louder until i thought it was a cracked manifold, or more likely a heat shield rattling as it sounded like metal on metal. Took it into the shop yesterday, was told the engine is toast because it has a thrown rod or cracked piston after about ten seconds of the mechanics listening to it :(. I am planning on replacing the engine, but I would like to confirm it is in fact a blown engine. If possible, could you guys take a quick look at the video? The sound is worst on start up after about seven seconds of the video I believe.
Thanks so much i really appreciate it.
Friday, April 14th, 2017 AT 4:20 PM