Immobilization mode?

  • 2013 HONDA CRV
  • 4 CYL
  • 4WD
  • 30,000 MILES
Drive it, park it, go inside, come out nothing works.
Remote doesn't work, dome light doesn't work, nothing works (like someone just disconnected the battery).
Put some jumper cables on, it cranks, everything works. Turn it off, turn it back on. Even days later. Everything works. Then it does it again with no apparent pattern.
Battery test, even when "nothing" works, 100% good. Jump it off everything works again for X amount of time.
Local Honda dealer can't seem to find a problem or even get it to do it again, but they have been trying to get my mother-in-law to trade the car in for a new one for years, they do all the service work on this vehicle. Then all of a sudden, this problem pops up?
It’s like it is put in an immobilization mode (which Honda does have on some models according to the internet.
Tuesday, June 7th, 2022 AT 9:22 AM

3 Replies

  • 109,913 POSTS

If I understand correctly, when this happens, everything electrical stops working, correct? If that is the case, it really can't be too many things.

If you look below, I included a pic from the power distribution center. Note that the black wire from the positive side of the battery goes direct to the starter and the under-hood fuse box. At the box, power is first sent to multiple fuses and then branches off from them. Since it starts working again, the fuses can't be bad.

So that leaves a loss of power between the battery and the fuse box. I assume the battery terminals are both clean and tight, correct? Please check if you haven't. If they are, the next thing I need you to do is follow the main ground from the battery. Confirm there is no damage to it and is tight and clean where it bolts.

Try this and let me know what you find. Also, if you experience a no-start condition again, gently move around the positive battery cable to see if it then starts. If the positive does nothing, try the negative.

I will watch for your reply.

Take care,


See pic below.
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Tuesday, June 7th, 2022 AT 7:16 PM
  • 4 POSTS
Tried all of that stuff. All the mechanical/electrical connections are clean, secure and good. It was like there was no battery in it all of a sudden. Jumped it off from another vehicle and it worked perfectly. (Key fob worked, dome light worked, everything worked for days until I left for WA State 4 days later). Then everything stopped working, no key fob, no dome light, no nothing, zip, nada! Unfortunately, the owner was sold a new battery ($203.00 worth) by Dealer after they couldn't figure it out after two tries. (I think the battery was good. It tested good three times while I was there. Every time [three separate times] it was tested, it tested good 100%). So now, new battery, let's see if it happens again. I sent the owner instructions for disabling the immobilization system but they never got the chance to do it and the dealer never mentioned an immobilization mode even though I told the lady that she should suggest that to the dealer.
Maybe it was a bad battery, but I don't think so. I'll let you know if it happens again with the new battery.
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Tuesday, June 7th, 2022 AT 8:27 PM
  • 109,913 POSTS

Thanks for the update. If it does happen again, let me know. I'm interested in knowing if this takes care of the issue.

Take care,

Was this
Wednesday, June 8th, 2022 AT 7:45 PM

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