Friday, December 18th, 2020 AT 12:10 PM
My daughter's van listed above shuts off at any unforeseen time, (driving, slowing down, taking off). I'm trying to start with options that do not require new parts first. I had it shut off three times in five miles. Downhill grade to the left, uphill grade to the right, and slowing to a stop on level. The battery icon blinks before the engine shuts off. It did start while I put it in neutral still moving. Last night she stopped to buy groceries and it shut off. She tried seven times to keep it running, but each time it would run for a short time and then shut off. Replaced cracked vacuum line today. That cleared P0171 and P0174 codes. Shutting off problem started two days ago and continues after vacuum line replaced. EGR valve and coil pack replaced. Possibly low voltage from alternator? Wire harness to close to ignition module?