Hello, do you have any tools to do some checks, such as a basic multimeter or scan tool? You can check that the Alternator you put on is charging. But since it sounds like you did a capacitor discharge (touch the battery cables together) it cleared the memory of the ECM. You can try to do an Idle Relearn Procedure. If you don't have a scan tool to monitor the engine coolant temperature, because it needs to be between 41-140F degrees, which is not full operating temperature, you have to guess at that one. You probably know when your temperature gauge is at its highest, so do it somewhere in between its lowest and normal temperature reading. It looks pretty easy to do on this car. No scan tools needed. If it doesn't help, then I would buy a basic multimeter and check the charging system voltage.
Also, you might think about buying a cheap OBD2 scan tool for reading codes in the engine computer. Most of the ones now will also do live data, so you could check a few things like Long-Term and Short-Term Fuel Trim, Oxygen sensor data, etc.
Is the check engine light on?
I think why it stalls out is the load on the engine that the A/C compressor puts, so it might be just a matter of doing the Idle relearn. If there were no issues like this before, it can only be a few things. You only changed 5 parts.
Considering this vehicle has dual throttle plates and is a drive by wire system, meaning the ECM controls the throttle plate movement. I think all you did was cleared its memory.
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Monday, August 15th, 2022 AT 10:40 AM