HVAC vents not working properly

  • 2.2L
  • 4 CYL
  • 2WD
  • 133,000 MILES
When adjusting the force from my HVAC blower motor, sometimes I can hear a lot of moving air inside the dash but very little air comes through the vents. It seems as if all of the vents inside are partially open. Sometimes it blows perfectly fine through the vents and I don't hear the moving air inside the dash itself. All the Googling I've done, I have found things about the blend door actuator, but nothing about the doors/mechanisms related to the airflow/vent direction components. If I understand correctly, the blend door actuator effects how much warm and cold air get blended. That does not seem to be my problem. I can adjust the temperature just fine. When I switch vent positions, there is a delay, and often I lose vent pressure and hear the moving air in the dash. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
Monday, August 16th, 2021 AT 7:18 AM

1 Reply

  • 110,029 POSTS

You are correct. The blend door actuator only controls air temperature.

The actuator responsible for airflow direction is called a Mode Door Actuator. This actuator is located toward the top of the HVAC box under the dash. See pic 1.

What I suggest is this. First, locate the actuator motor. Make sure it is secure. If it is, remove it and see how it responds when you change the flow direction. If it is slow or weak, chances are it needs to be replaced.

The remaining pics are the directions for removal and replacement. The last 3 pics are for accessories needing removed to access the actuator. I figured I would add them in the event they are needed.

Let me know if this helps or if you have other questions.

Take care,

See pics below.
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Monday, August 16th, 2021 AT 9:15 PM

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