Rear brake shoe I can't even figure out how to put everything in the spot

  • 2003 SATURN L200
So I'm working on the rear brakes for my 2003 Saturn l200. I disassembled every spring and pin from the rear brake set. And got new springs and pins. As well as drum brake shoes and wheel cylinders. But now I can't even figure out how to put everything in the spot where it needs to go. I took some pictures but they didn't help me out. And there is no diagram online for this type of car rear brake set.

My local car shops don't have a book for this type of car. This is my first time working on brakes. I have some tools available. But not what they have at a repair shop. So if I could get some answers on what I need to do to get everything back together. Like a list of steps with a diagram of some sort. That would be great.
Thursday, October 16th, 2014 AT 3:58 PM

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  • 110,029 POSTS
Let me know if this diagram helps and check the post below this one. Check out the diagrams I got for you by clicking the image link below. Check out the diagrams (Below). Please let us know if you need anything else to get the problem fixed.

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Thursday, October 16th, 2014 AT 7:03 PM

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