1996 Honda Prelude Si 2.3 liter 130,000 miles. It is a manual. My car recently has started giving a brief 2-3 second squeal right after ignition. It only happens when the car has been sitting for a bit, and seems to go away after the car has been running/driving for a while. I just recently replaced two Multi V-Groove belts which were cracking, could that have something to do with it? My other question is, it seems to make a weird whining/crackly sort of noise starting from a stop when I let the clutch out in first. I flushed the clutch fluid figuring that was the problem but it still makes that noise, not all of the time but I would say about 70% of the time.
Any hints/tips/fix its would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Sunday, May 20th, 2007 AT 6:08 PM