When I finally went out to my car, the battery was COMPLETELY dead, I mean it didnt even beep at me when I put my keys in, no lights came on, DEAD. So I jumped the car and let it idle for a bit before making errands. The rest of the day worked fine
Today I went out again around the same time as yesterday and the battery was too weak, it still had some juice to peep at me but not quite start the car. Jumped it again and decided to check the battery.
As I was turning into the auto place my car just completely died, so I had to restart it to finish parking, set up an appointment came back an hour or so later and it did it again, same turn the car died, so I restarted it and parked, as I turned into parking the car died again.
The auto people said the battery was completely low but was still holding a good charge (good battery, just low).
Once it was charged I went into town, as I was leaving a store I made a strong right-hand turn and the car died again.
Tomorrow I plan on getting a complete ectric diagnosis, with loads on/off and turning.
My question - How is this all related, the turning isn't electrical so how does it coorilate with a dead battery. Or does it?
Wednesday, February 10th, 2010 AT 11:27 PM