If the brakes at the wheels are OK - check the following:
Does the pedal fade to the floor or is it just low?
If it is just low (does not fade), apply the parking brake and apply your foot to the brake pedal and see if is higher. If the pedal comes up, you need to adjust the rear brakes. The parking brake is attached to your rear brakes and pulling the park brake moves the rear shoes out to the drums and takes any "slack" out of the rear brakes. Many people think that they are automatic adjusting brakes, but they do not always adjust enough, and the brake pedal gets low. They are not the easiest to adjust, but this usually cure a low pedal concern. This will also tighten your parking brake travel.
If it fades, then the brake master cylinder is probably bypassing internally and needs to be replaced.
Tuesday, March 16th, 2021 AT 11:46 AM