Sunday, August 23rd, 2009 AT 12:48 PM
My AC problem began with hot air blowing from the driver side vents (passenger side and rear AC was fine); then, quickly, I lost most blower function. I took my truck to a dealer where they found a "bad leak" in my water pump and diagnosed a 'faulty blower motor resistor'; I had them replace the water pump, but because of the outrageous cost ($350), I replaced the linear control module myself. It seemed that this resolved the problem, but sometimes my driver's side vents still blow hot air (although I still have control of the fan speed). By shutting the car down and restarting it, the AC again works perfectly. Thank you in advance for your help! P.S. I started hearing pretty loud chirping noises coming from near the blower motor before these repairs. Since the repairs, I can still hear them intermittently, but they are not near as loud. Hope that helps!