Hello, I have the car listed above petrol with auto transmission. The problem I am facing is that the car works properly, but most of the fuses don't get voltage in both engine bonnet and under the steering wheel fuse boxes. Autopilot is not working, heated seats are not heating, rear wiper is not working, I diagnosed the car with OBD Bluetooth scanner tool and there is the code P0410 which in my opinion is the Air system as it also shows in the scanner, so I checked the fuse for the air pump which is also not getting voltage. I am not in my country and living abroad where it's so hard to trust mechanics. I would like to fix things on my own in general and I don't know where to start since I'm a bit nerd with electrics. I thought of checking the relays but I don't know which relay is my target.
Also there is weird thing in engine bonnet. The fuse box. I am adding the image of it but It's like some plastic melted and dried there. I checked it with screw driver, I could push it but nothing more. Any clue is appreciated! Thanks in advance.
Images (Click to make bigger)
Wednesday, December 4th, 2019 AT 1:25 PM